Coalition For Justice is a International lifestyle brand. That inspires Unity while taking an absolute stand against social injustice.
Our style deviates from the social norm by reflecting those who Dare to dream, Who lead, and who influence others. We cloth
the men and women who impact the world. 

Coalition For Justice we travel the world and gain inspiration from the many cultures and people we encounter while producing fashion shows and selling our product. Our clothing represents our ethical values. While remaing minimalistic yet bold. This allows us to transition from highend fashion to egdy streetwear. Our clothing communicates awarness by bridging the gap between different cultures and societies. Our goal is to bring awareness and provide hope to survivers of the injustice. We encourage people to follow their dreams while being aware of their impact on society and their social responsiblities. 20% of all proceeds go to the surviors right now and we hope in the future we will be able to provide safe houses and be able to teach the women a trade along with educating them. In the future we hope to have our product made by surviors of human trafficking. We also are planning on opening store fronts were we feature other ethical and social reponisble clothing companies.